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Personal Hosting

Personal web hosting is the best way to express yourself on the web. We have numerous hosting options that allow you to choose your site's layout, the colors, the look, the feel, what kind of pages you want or don't want and create a personal web site that lets you show everyone who you are!

We offer five great hosting packages that can be used for either personal or business hosting. From free hosting to business hosting, there's something available for all users. Create a social networking web site and your friends and family from all over the world will have a place to come visit you. The best part? It's free! Free personal web hosting is available to anyone with an internet connection. With our helpful Site Builder tool, you can create a site with ease. You don't have to be a design guru or a savvy developer with years of experience to have a cool web site, all you need to do is put a bit of yourself into your site.

The Benefits of Personal Hosting

Personal web hosting is a great way to create a web site and keep in touch with friends and family from all over the world. So often people graduate from school or move away for a new job and lose touch, but with the internet that doesn't have to be the case. No matter where you or your friends are in the world, if there's an internet connection available, then you can stay connected from thousands of miles away. Share your thoughts with your guests. Something on your mind that just won't go away? Write about it and post it on your personal web site. Politics, sports, entertainment, philosophy, your next door neighbors who keep you up all night with their bass thumping music - speak up and let people know how you're feeling. With the ability to upload text whenever you want, you can dump all your thoughts into your site in no time.

What's so great about Free Web Hosting?

Well, aside from the cost, free web hosting creates opportunities for you to keep in touch with your friends. Go to college on the east coast and now you're living on the west coast? You probably have friends who didn't make the trek westward and they'd like to see what you're up to and who you're hanging with. With free web hosting you can let your friends, family, former co-workers, anyone, know what you're up to. Phone calls are great, but what about uploading pictures whenever you want. Free web hosting lets you hang pictures of you and your friends and family, post messages, tell stories and keep the people who mean a lot to you up-to-date on your life. Get a wild new haircut or wear a crazy costume for Halloween? Instead of telling your friends, show them!


With personal web hosting and Site Builder at your fingertips you can easily upload pictures of yourself, friends, family and memorable events anytime you want to. The beauty of our personal hosting is that you can make changes from any computer with an internet connection at anytime. Personal hosting gives you the liberty to work at your own pace and manage your web site your way. Come across some crazy images that you've got to have? Add those to your personal web site as well. Be creative, be wild, have fun with your site and let the world know what you think is funny or what images best express how you're feeling that day.

Premium Web Hosting Packages

While free personal web hosting is one of our most popular packages, the premium packages come with features that let you really make your web site look smooth. Two of the packages, Starter and Personal, come with more space, POP email accounts, no ads, and FTP access! All these great highlights for affordable prices.

Premium hosting packages give you the opportunity to turn your personal web site into something unique and fresh. There is plenty of disk space for your photos, images, rants and raves; a great place to meet new people and keep in touch with old ones. Each of our personal hosting options allows you to create a guestbook so anyone who visits your site can let you know they've stopped by. Take advantage of the favorite links page and show everyone your most visited web sites. Not to mention FTP access available only through our premium hosting packages and CGI access available through the Personal Hosting package. These add-ons make managing your personal web site fun and easy.

Personal Hosting for Professional Gain

Just because it's personal hosting doesn't mean you can't use your web site for professional purposes. Post your resume on your personal web site or perhaps if you're a creative designer, artist, writer, photographer or any other kind of creative producer, hang samples of your work for potential employers and clients to view. A web site built through web hosting can be a valuable way to develop a professional network and gives you a chance to present your best work to potential clients through an easily accessible medium.

Choose Personal Web Hosting

We understand that our five personal web hosting options can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you aren't sure which package is right for you. Call our Customer Service department at 1-800-396-1999 and we'll match you up with the personal hosting package that makes the most sense for you.

Want a website but don't want to pay for hosting? Then this is the right hosting package for you.
  • Ads on your site
  • 50 MB disk space
*With purchase of a domain, prices start at $22.95
Starter Hosting
Perfect for sharing photos, having a family website or promoting your business.
  • No ads on your site
  • 1 GB disk space
  • FTP for fast, easy file upload
Personal Hosting
Best hosting value with space to grow. Provides the most functionality and flexibility for your needs.
  • No ads on your site
  • 5 GB disk space
  • CGI Access: Perl, PHP, MySQL, FTP
  • WordPress 2 blog