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Custom Webmail Signatures

MySite allows you to create a custom webmail signature that best reflect your personality, your hobby, or your business. Email Signatures are a way of providing your customers, friends and family a unique conclusion to your email. MySite has what you need to create your website.

Common uses of a email signature

The most popular use is to provide basic information about the sender of the email: Name, Phone Number, Email Address, Company Name, Physical Address, and Special Instructions. Not all of these are required, but just some of the common items that have been used in closing an email.

How do I set up my Email Signature?

Once you have logged into your webmail, click on the preferences link, it will be towards the top right of your window. A new window for your preferences will pop up. Locate Name and Signature and click on it. The first field you see if the Name field this is the name that will appear in place of your email address once the email is received by someone. Below the Name field is the Signature Field. This box works just like any other Word Text Editor. Just enter the Information you wish to include in your Signature, pressing Enter to go down a line, etc. To make the Signature that you have create active you will need to check the box next to "Append signature to all messages." Click the Save button in the top left of the window and you have now created an email signature.

As low as $0.00 /mo.
Want a website but don't want to pay for hosting? Then this is the right hosting package for you.
  • Ads on your site
  • 50 MB disk space
*With purchase of a domain, prices start at $22.95
Starter Hosting
As low as $5.95 /mo.
Perfect for sharing photos, having a family website or promoting your business.
  • No ads on your site
  • 1 GB disk space
  • FTP for fast, easy file upload
Personal Hosting
As low as $9.95 /mo.
Best hosting value with space to grow. Provides the most functionality and flexibility for your needs.
  • No ads on your site
  • 5 GB disk space
  • CGI Access: Perl, PHP, MySQL, FTP
  • WordPress 2 blog