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Email Anti-Spam

It is absolutely essential to offer anti-spam facilities along with email services because it's the best way to eradicate unwanted and unsolicited junk email. MySite offers effective antispam software and tools along with its email services to safeguard and protect your email as much as possible. It is premium email security at an affordable price!

Spam emails should be carefully handled and promptly deleted. Often, simply opening these emails can activate a virus or spyware programs on your computer. Some spam emails contain harmful Internet viruses that can corrupt various processes of the operating system of your computer. Besides possibly causing serious damage to your computer, the viruses may also delete information and important files from your computer permanently.

If you have Email, You Need Spam Protection

Spammers can also gain access to your personal information through the technique of spamming. To prevent identity theft, it is extremely important to safeguard your email account from harmful spam and phishing emails. The spam filtering tools offered by MySite include RBL lookups, deep header inspection, relay blocking, and a smart heuristics engine which can quickly and automatically identify suspicious spam emails and also detects the viruses contained in spams. Hence, you can easily identify such treacherous emails and delete them immediately.

The antispam software provided by MySite prevents the occurrence of identity theft nightmares and keeps you and your information safe. While offering protection, anti-spam facilities allow easy access to emails from family, friends, co-workers and known individuals or organizations.. Users can select their own spam filtering stringency levels and can create and maintain their own safe lists and block lists. That way, legitimate emails arrive safely to your account.

Anti-spam features allow you to make decisions regarding the emails that you want to access or not. On MySite, you have complete control over the emails in your inbox and you can delete junk mails effortlessly. Enjoy the numerous benefits offered by our anti-spam services!

Want a website but don't want to pay for hosting? Then this is the right hosting package for you.
  • Ads on your site
  • 50 MB disk space
*With purchase of a domain, prices start at $22.95
Starter Hosting
Perfect for sharing photos, having a family website or promoting your business.
  • No ads on your site
  • 1 GB disk space
  • FTP for fast, easy file upload
Personal Hosting
Best hosting value with space to grow. Provides the most functionality and flexibility for your needs.
  • No ads on your site
  • 5 GB disk space
  • CGI Access: Perl, PHP, MySQL, FTP
  • WordPress 2 blog