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Blog Tags

Blog tags are basically labels that online visitors use to locate and classify specific blog posts, photos, or videos related to the tag keyword. Hence, blog tags help people save time on searching for specific content on the Internet. They act as a guide to online readers and provide brief information pertaining to the content that it links to.

Tags also provide a means of sorting and listing the information contained in the blogs and RSS Feeds. Hence, blog tags help to sort information according to the respective subject. This technique groups related information under one specific subject.

Blog tags can help immensely to apply effective SEO techniques to your blog. The most effective method of designing your blog on the principles of SEO is to add 'tag clouds' on your blog. A tag cloud serves as a visual depiction of the content tags present in the blog. Generally, popular tags are displayed in a larger font and the order of tag display is alphabetical. Hence, locating a tag and knowing its popularity becomes easier in a tag cloud. When you select a particular tag in the tag cloud, it leads to a collection of blogs related to the tag.

MySite has Your Blog Tags Covered

You can add tag clouds and other useful blog features conveniently when you create your blog at MySite. Watch as visitors to your site quickly and easy find the topics they're looking for and as your blog attains high ranking in search engines - all because of your blog tags provided by MySite. Increase the power of your presence on the web with MySite.

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  • 50 MB disk space
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Starter Hosting
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Personal Hosting
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  • WordPress 2 blog